The Premium Program - DNA

Product Description:
The Tax Smart Income Accelerator™ is designed to help high-income earners turn their tax
liability into $100K of passive income in 15 years or less without taking unnecessary risks,
through our Wealth Tax Sequence Method™

Passive Income:
There are two sequences for generating passive income: one before the age of 60 and one
after the age of 60. Each sequence requires different asset-holding structures. Due to the
timing of your income, you will use different layers of structures when drawing down from
your assets, resulting in different tax consequences and considerations. For example, if
someone is 35, they probably don’t want to wait until 60 as their only strategy, and if someone if
55, they probably don’t mind to maximise their wealth only through super due to the tax

There are two sequences for minimising your taxes.
The first is what I call the “NOW TAX.” These taxes increase your cash flow immediately for
the current financial year only. They typically consist of maximising 10% of total tax savings.
The majority of taxes fall under the category of “FUTURE TAX.”
There are four main types of future taxes: tax on personal income and business profit ,
capital gains tax on personal assets and business exits, land tax on investment property, and
tax on retirement. This is where 90% of tax savings occur, primarily based on the trajectory
of your asset or business growth and the associated taxes. These taxes are not yet
crystallised, but they can result in thousands of dollars being paid to the Australian Taxation
Office (ATO).

Just like they are a phase for a company when they start, grow and scale, the same goes for humans
when there are youth, adults and elderly. There are three phases of wealth creation: the start
phase, the growth phase, and the monetisation phase.
Each phase requires different tax and asset structures; it should take into
consideration what the monetisation phase (income stage) will look like to determine the
current strategy. Many people simply invest in things they like and later find themselves
paying thousands of dollars in land tax and capital gains tax.
For example, if you want to generate passive income 10 years from now, it’s important to
consider assets with growth potential as they provide greater tax benefits while facilitating
significant gains. Later, you can convert your growth assets into passive income-producing
assets, which belong to two completely different asset classes.
In this example, it’s important to consider a structure that allows you to pay as little capital
tax as possible when converting the growth assets into income-producing assets later on.

For instance, investing heavily in CBA shares early on would not provide significant growth
to your overall wealth, although it does offer a predictable 7.5% dividend yield annually
during the income stage. The structure you need now is to minimise personal tax while
accumulating long-term growth as its primary purpose.
And if your goal is simply to enjoy your income, it’s advisable to structure it in a way that is
tax-free. Otherwise, 30% of it would go to the ATO, leaving you with only 70K out of the
desired 100K income. However, to achieve tax savings on earnings and gains, you would
need two different types of structures.

Our strategy is not only about setting up a structure or providing you with one more tax
deduction, although it’s important, our strategy is about the allocation of resources that are
limited against unlimited

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